Janna Wright

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You can also find me on Google+
Experiencing the Joy of Receiving

Experiencing the Joy of Receiving

December is flying past us. By now we’re all surrounded with twinkle lights and gift lists, Christmas carols and flurry, holiday goodies and party plans.

But sometimes in the busiest seasons our Heavenly Poppa reaches down and whispers something special, like “receive.”

“Receive” can seem like a selfish word — like a little child, overly excited about opening her own presents, never giving a thought to anyone else. For us responsible, committed adults, the word, “give”, is often the true hero of Christmas. Give presents. Give cheer. Give goodies. Give love. Give comfort and joy.

I mean, isn’t that what Jesus did when He came to earth — gave of Himself? Isn’t that the very thing we now celebrate ‘mid the flurry and frost? Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Experiencing God in Everyday Life, What God Is Really Like
Two Ways to Love Life’s Ebb & Flow

Two Ways to Love Life’s Ebb & Flow

Ever live through a season where one thing takes all your attention?

On Saturday October 21st, the very first Amaze Live conference happened here in Colorado. What was it like?

God was here. Right in the middle of it all.

You could see Him in the worship. You could feel Him in the dramatic poem. You could hear Him through the Word. And you could watch Him as women united around grace and experienced the truth of being more than enough in Christ. I hardly have words, my heart’s so full.

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Posted by Janna Wright in Playing in the Wide Open Spaces of Grace
The 3 Things I Never Expected to {re}Learn This Year

The 3 Things I Never Expected to {re}Learn This Year

I sat in my mentor’s office struggling to find the right words. We talked of this and that till he surprised me with a question:

“How long have you felt burned out?”

Ummmm, burned out? But, I just wrote a book about my huge burn-out story and how grace and Jesus changes all that. I can’t be burned out again. How can I possibly offer grace and hope if I keep returning to a weary place?

Not a single one of those words made it past my lips, though. Instead I teared up and said, “Since right after my book came out last fall.”

I hadn’t realized how tired I was until that precise moment. Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Living in Freedom
Be a Human Being Not a Human Doing

Be a Human Being Not a Human Doing

Are you fed up with New Year’s resolutions too? Many of us are sick and tired of the “make ’em and break ’em” roller coaster we ride each January.

So, it’s time to try something new. Something that focuses less on “do” and more on “be.” Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Playing in the Wide Open Spaces of Grace
12 Days of Christmas challenge

12 Days of Christmas challenge

Of all the seasons of the year, Christmas is the most grace focused. Yay!

But it’s easy to get bogged down in all of the running around, decorating, baking, card writing, and gift buying during the holidays.

Why not spread a little more grace this Christmas season?

It can be a fun way to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in our hearts, instead of adding pressure to an already-bulging schedule. hearts,insteado Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Playing in the Wide Open Spaces of Grace


The radio host asked his co-host if she’d been engaged before. She had! And this is the story she told of  why she has a former fiancé instead of a current husband.

Once my fiance and I were walking through the supermarket. He picked up a magazine, flipped it open, and held it out to me. “See this? This is beautiful,” he said, pointing to a picture of a model. “And you’re almost there.”

{cricket, cricket}

You’re probably gasping in horror at this true story. How could he say something like that to her? What a ridiculous standard to hold someone to?

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Posted by Janna Wright in Discovering My True Identity
What I Learned from Getting Ditched Twice in One Day

What I Learned from Getting Ditched Twice in One Day

Not too long ago I was ditched. Twice. On the same day. No, it wasn’t some online dating scenario gone wrong. It was just one of those odd coincidences that makes you pause for a second and use your scrunched up “What in the world?” face.

Two of my employees quit on the same day. They didn’t know each other, and each had a perfectly good reason. But, it made me pause.

Even as God clearly showed me He had other plans in mind, I wondered, “Yeesh! What gives?” Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Playing in the Wide Open Spaces of Grace
Why We Need to Share Our Stories

Why We Need to Share Our Stories

Once after hearing a fabulous God story from her friend, a woman replied, “You know, I’ve never faced the situation you just described. But when I hear your story of how God worked, it gives me such hope.”

Stories are powerful. And I have a personal God story I’d love to share with you. Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in What God Is Really Like
How God Really Feels About You

How God Really Feels About You

You know the verse. You probably even memorized it as a kid.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)

Have you ever struggled to wrap your head around, much less believe, that kind of love?

What makes “God loves me” so hard to grasp, even for believers?

Often our definition of love is too shallow. Our minds can’t fathom what it’s like to be loved that much. And we miss another key factor . . . Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in What God Is Really Like
Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

There once lived a very happy king and queen. All across the land, the queen was known for her beauty. The king loved his wife dearly, not just for her lovely face and flowing hair but for the regal beauty that flowed from within.

After a number of years, the queen began to ponder the thief of time. She worried that when her looks faded, the king would no longer love her. Questions of “how long?” and “what then?” swirled in her thoughts until one day she could stand them no longer. Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Living in Freedom
A Simple Way to Grow Your Faith

A Simple Way to Grow Your Faith

Sitting across from a friend at lunch, I heard this story.

For four years in a row now, I’ve taken time off each summer to serve at a non-profit camp for at-risk kids. It’s the highlight of my year!

Every year God has taken care of my business while I’m out of the office and basically off-grid for an entire week. Being self employed, that much time away could potentially throw my business into chaos. But every single time, God has taken care of the business! He’s made sure things run smoothly so I still have consistent cash flow.

I don’t know why I’m worrying this year when He’s taken care of me every other time.

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Posted by Janna Wright in Experiencing God in Everyday Life