God’s love

What We Need More of in 2018

What We Need More of in 2018

Isn’t it interesting how words come to mean something?

Like “Babe,” for instance. When I was little it meant a tiny infant. When the movie came out, it meant a pig. And when you get married and hear it from your hubby’s lips, it means you!

Somewhere along the way “grace” has gotten a reputation for being soft and comfortable — kind of like being snuggled by so many adorable puppies.

But grace is much more than that – especially when she travels with her favorite companion, Truth.

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Posted by Janna Wright in What God Is Really Like
How God Really Feels About You

How God Really Feels About You

You know the verse. You probably even memorized it as a kid.

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16 NIV)

Have you ever struggled to wrap your head around, much less believe, that kind of love?

What makes “God loves me” so hard to grasp, even for believers?

Often our definition of love is too shallow. Our minds can’t fathom what it’s like to be loved that much. And we miss another key factor . . . Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in What God Is Really Like
what if god is okay with you today

what if god is okay with you today

What if God’s okay with who you are today?

No, really. I mean what if He’s absolutely, 100% okay with you right this second, believer?

What if He’s not sitting up there tsk, tsk-ing and shaking His head, muttering “Sure wish she’d get this lesson so we could move on”?

What if instead He’s gazing down on you in love, saying to His nearest archangel, “Hey, did you see that kiddo of mine down there? Boy, do I love her! She’s fabulous. And look at her with my Son in her – she can do ANYTHING. I can’t help smiling this wide when I think about her.” Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Discovering My True Identity, grace changes everything
the one thing that makes Christianity unique

the one thing that makes Christianity unique

If you’ve spent much time in Christianity at all, you’ve heard about grace. But, did you know just how incredible this concept is and what an irreplaceable part of the Christian faith?

Grace = unique to Christian faith

Once there was a large conference where religious experts from all over the world gathered to debate what belief is unique to Christianity. They were hoping to find what single truth sets the Christian faith apart from others. Or if that single piece even exists.

As the experts debated, they threw out some possibilities. Incarnation? No, other religions have gods appearing as humans. Perhaps resurrection? Again this was overruled since several religions claim someone coming back from the dead.

The intriguing discussion continued until C.S. Lewis entered the room inquiring, “What’s the rumpus about?” The experts shared that they were comparing Christianity’s unique contribution to other religions of the world.

“Oh, that’s easy. It’s grace,” Lewis replied.

The debaters discussed for a while and had to agree.

” The notion of God’s love coming to us free of charge, no strings attached, seems to go against every instinct of humanity. The Buddhist eight-fold path, the Hindu doctrine of karma, the Jewish covenant, and the Muslim code of law – each of these offers a way to earn approval. Only Christianity dares to make God’s love unconditional.”*

Love that makes you want to shout

C. S. Lewis’s insight and quick reply intrigued me. To think that the entire Christian faith is built on a foundation no other belief system in the world has. The truth is that God loves us and showers us with grace despite what we’ve done. No matter who we’ve been and regardless of what we deserve, God lavishes His love and grace on us.

god loves you - gracethread

Not only before salvation, my grace friends, but as believers too. God gives His love and grace to us freely and abundantly.  Doesn’t that make you wanna cheer? Hmm, maybe I will.


Today let’s you and me bask in God’s unchanging grace and un-earnable love and  see if it doesn’t fill our hearts to overflowing.


*P.S. I first encountered this story in Philip Yancey’s book, What’s So Amazing About Grace?.

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything, What God Is Really Like
surprised by truth in the middle of a movie

surprised by truth in the middle of a movie

I do love a good movie. Give me a bowl of popcorn and a sappy, boy-meets-girl-and-overcome-impossible-odds-to-live-happily-ever-after, and I’m quite happy.

But, I don’t normally expect deep truth there. Until last night when I almost fell off the love seat after hearing:

You’re hoping that when you finally find the courage to trust that your father never stopped loving you, and you tear open that pain you’ve been carrying around, there’s forgiveness inside.

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
what made me pause in the grocery aisle

what made me pause in the grocery aisle

Not too long ago I was struck with a deep thought, halfway between the stationery and the pop at my local grocery store.

Navigating the obstacle course that is the center aisle, I realized I was watching wobbly cart wheels, wan produce, cardboard displays – looking anywhere except the faces of the people I passed.

And the thought struck me . . . Why don’t I really look at people? Why do I go my merry way, skipping around live souls God created? How can I so easily walk past someone without truly seeing her?

I guess it’s just easier that way, easier not to get involved.

I mean, what if they don’t smile back? What if he thinks I’m staring? What if I see something I don’t know how to deal with – like supreme sorrow or listless eyes? What if she actually <gasp> started talking to me?

Or perhaps I’m too wrapped up in myself. Yes, it’s far from pristine, but after all it’s what I think of most of the time – my small, little life.

Or maybe, just maybe, I have nothing to offer them today: no smile, no nod, no hope. Only eyes as empty as theirs might be.

So, I hide behind shyness, glancing at pretty baubles and cardboard – ANYWHERE but at the faces.

Look sign

Later I read the story of the rich young ruler confronting Jesus, and I’m struck by the little “stage direction” before Jesus’ final line in this scene:

And Jesus, looking at him, loved him.  (Mark 10:21)

 Here’s Jesus confronted by a man hoping to gain the “Good Teacher’s” approval. Stopped in His tracks by a man eager to brag of the ways he’s been good and done good all his life. Jesus doesn’t laugh at him or nod disappointedly or tell him, “Seriously? You think you’ve kept every commandment perfectly since the day you were born? Oh brother!”

Jesus instead gives the Pause and the Look. He stops and truly SEES the poor, searching, young man. And when Jesus truly sees this man, He loves him.

I want to be so overwhelmed by this same love and grace toward me that I become proficient at the Pause and the Look.

My prayer? That even in a supercenter aisle, Jesus’ love will stop me in my tracks, discard silly only-me thoughts, and overflow onto others so I truly see them, and maybe, just maybe, they catch a glimpse of great grace.

Janna, Grace Embracer

P.S. Have you ever felt like you’re not truly seen?

sign photo: creative commons, courtesy of timlewisnm
child photo: public domain, courtesy of lisa runnels

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
can you hate religion but love jesus?

can you hate religion but love jesus?

I stumbled across an amazing testimony this week by a man who got fed up with a religious system that had little to do with God’s heart. Hmm, can you relate too?

See if this strikes a chord, this heart poem from a man who grew up in Christianity but never saw true grace until he realized religion and Jesus aren’t at all the same.

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
why i like to call Him “Poppa”

why i like to call Him “Poppa”

I used to hear preachers claim,

The most important thing about you is what you believe about God.

My mental response was always, “Of course it is! I believe in God.”

But the view from here was of a supreme, all-knowing Being who looked down with a stern, wizened gaze. Never smiling much or laughing – at least not in my direction. Some days I knew He must sigh at my failure. Other times I was convinced He was shaking His head in disappointment.

So, every now and then I’d picture a loving father who cherishes and smiles on me in delight, but it was quickly overshadowed by my fear of disappointing Him.

Maybe my warped view of God stemmed Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Discovering My True Identity, grace changes everything
when life reminds you of elementary school

when life reminds you of elementary school

When I glimpse chosen in Ephesians, my mind drifts to elementary school and recess games.

The entire class lined up in two teams with hands interlaced. The other team would chant, “Red Rover, Red Rover, send [someone’s name] right over!” and that person from our team had to run as fast and hard as he could to break the other human chain. (Do you remember playing that one?)

The best part of the game?  Being chosen. Hearing your name chanted – “Red Rover, Red Rover, send Janna right over!” I still remember the knot in my stomach, waiting, then the shiver of excitement as I heard my name. 

Funny, but in a very small way, this reminds me of being chosen by God. Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in Discovering My True Identity
wanted: a soaked soul

wanted: a soaked soul

Can I let you in on a little secret? I have a black thumb. No, make that two black thumbs.

As much as I love to cook with fresh ingredients and would adore using fresh produce from my own garden, I’ve come to grips with the truth (only three wilted tomato plants, four dead herb seedlings, a couple of droopy cuttings, a bug-infested apple tree, and one stagnant avocado pit later). The sad truth: I cannot grow things. 

I tried this summer, really I did. For the third year, I potted a tomato plant. (Other Coloradans keep telling me how they don’t know what to do with all the tomatoes their voluptuous bushes yield. Yeah, secretly I kinda wanna smack ‘em.)

This year the plant was called Health Kick. You’d think a plant with health in the name would be, well, healthy, and produce beautifully, right? Continue reading →

Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything
how a 3-letter word changes everything

how a 3-letter word changes everything

If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom. 8:31

I got stuck on that tiny 3-letter word, for. So, I looked it up. Know what it means? Being on your side, shielding you, favoring you, furthering your cause. Ever tried to wrap your head around those three short letters: F – O – R?

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Posted by Janna Wright in grace changes everything