Here’s something I’d like to ask God today:


If we gaze on Your grace, will we have a better picture of how You see us?  Will we glimpse what You’ve spelled out for us a little like Charlotte (though You’re never this small) with her stupendous Wilbur?

loved, accepted, forgiven

adopted, cherished, my friend,

adored, beautiful, pleasing,

chosen, treasured, beloved,

smiled at, enjoyed, restored,

perfectly made, uncondemned,

not a disappointment – ever.

You see Your Perfect Son this way, and because of His life in us when we believe, You see us this way now too. I can barely wrap my mind around such gigantic truth.

Poppa, let us be like stupendous, cherished piggies in your barnyard today, happily rolling in Your grace. May we stand in startled wonder as we gaze on Your unending love. May everyday life be transformed when we live out of the true identities You’ve spun for us. And may we go forward with passion and awe, convinced to our very toes that Your grace enables us for this new life You’ve given us.

Your Grateful Daughter

P.S. If you had a visual reminder of how our Heavenly Father sees you, what might it look like?


Janna –
The thought of little pigs happily rolling around in the mud made me smile and to think that we can be like that in our Heavenly Father’s love brings great joy.
Thank you for the very encouraging words.

Janna Wright

Carol, I have to laugh at that too! But, it kinda fits doesn’t it? And God loves us so very much and delights in us. That’s the amazing part to me.